Go-to-market enablement

Welcome! On this page you can get an idea about how I work with my clients and discover all go-to-market enablement services that I offer.

Working mode: How we will succeed together.

My goal is to enable you to succeed. I strongly believe that the modus how we work together is the biggest driver of our success.
Find out what drives me and check out how this would reflect in our day-to-day collaboration.

What drives me.

  • Customer-first.
    I want to leave a positive footprint. The success of your company is key to me.
  • Brave and entrepreneurial.
    Together we might have to leave the comfort zone to achieve real results.
  • Real impact and hands on.
    A powerpoint is worth nothing if it is not operationalized.
  • Trust and appreciation.
    I offer and expect honesty, reliability and open communication.

How we collaborate.

  • Batman & Robin.
    You are the entrepreneur. You are in the driver seat. You are Batman. I’m your side kick that enables you to succeed. I’m your Robin.
  • Help to help yourself.
    I don’t believe in delegating your responsibility to me. I will do everything to enable you to overcome your challenges.
  • Act > React.
    If you are unsure about something I’m happy if you involve me rather sooner than later. This might avoid expensive fire fighting activities.
  • Radical candor.
    I care personally and challenge directly.
  • Running lean.
    I Iterate quickly (without neglecting the time to impact of certain efforts – some things don’t allow shortcuts). I have a fail fast, fail often – it doesn’t hurt attitude.
  • Focus and prioritization.
    Time is the most scarce resource. I want to focus on what is really important and urgent. I will always try to get a lot impact from our efforts.

  • Always start with why.
    Experience shows that understanding the root causes of any problem is important to come up with good solutions.
  • ELMO
    „Enough Let’s Move On“ can turn inefficient blabla meetings and workshops into engaging „getting things done“ gatherings.

Offering: What I can do for you.

Each company is different. This means that my support will be tailor-made for your needs.
I combine topics with different formats of support so that I can contribute to your needs in the best way.

Topics I can support you with.

  • Go to Market “Architecture, Programms & Playbooks

    • Inbound: Demand, Capture Demand, Fill the Pipeline
    • Outbound: Identify Prospects, Outreach
    • Qualification & Closing
    • Nurturing
  • Marketing & Sales Planning & Reporting

  • Branding & Corporate Identity

  • Digital Marketing (SEA, SEO, etc.)

  • Product Marketing

    • Product Positioning, Value Propositions
    • Product Communications
    • Packaging & Pricing
  • Content Marketing

  • Dark Social” (PR, Social Media, Influencer, Ambassadors)

  • Websites

  • Marketing Automation

  • Leadership

  • Team & Organisation

Formats that will support you to achieve your goals.

  • Diagnose
    Evaluating the status quo and uncover gaps/opportunities as the base for impactful actions. What are the real hurdles/challenges you need to overcome? What could be quick wins? Which long shots might makes sense?

    • Retro (qualitative): what works well, what doesn’t, what is holding you back, what are (uncovered) core hypotheses on your GTM?
    • Measure (Quantitativ): How is you current setup, plan performing?
  • Design
    (Co-)create programs, frameworks, plans for your needs. This might me an overall GTM playbook, a product positioning or “just” a content plan.

    • Setup the structure/framework: Which questions do you need to answer?
    • Setup a process in which you can answer and evaluate the question (e.g. workshops).
    • Give you advice on how to roll out your results and continuously track and optimize.
  • Challenge
    Act as a good or bad cop / devils advocate on any GTM related topics. From macro to micro level (e.g join a (regular) meeting, give feedback on something).

  • Externalize
    Find the best external partner for your needs, may it be an expert consultant or operational support. I can help you with a good briefing and evaluating the results.

  • Recruiting
    Ensure you hire the right talent.

    • Input on your hiring plan, you job descriptions and scorecards.
    • Enable you to ask the right questions during the interview process.
    • Do interviews with you candidates if you are unsure.
  • Best practice
    Share content which showcases how industry leaders are doing their job.

  • Network
    Connect you with coaches, experts or peers for experience sharing on several topics.

  • Interim
    Act as member of you venture. All inclusive.

Let’s talk.

Sounds interesting to you? You have any other topics, pains, questions?
Please reach out to me! We will make it work!